JRF SharingParenting

Why Eat Dinner Together at Home?

Can you count how many times you had dinner with your family? Did you ever miss it?

This topic has not been the talk of the town, especially with the drastic influence of technology. It is evident how easy it is to skip meals with family to continue with dopamine- inflicting stuff like watching TikTok or online games. But, due to the pandemic last 2019, a lot of families shifted to staying home and eating together. According to National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA), eating dinner with family showed positive results in children like better academic performance, less tension among family members, and less likelihood to use illegal drugs or alcohol. This impact has a domino effect on adults who grew up in an inviting environment at home and practiced good communication during dinner. It is the moment when parents can connect and build a bond with their children that can soon be passed by adults to their own children later in life.

Benefits of having dinner

  • Healthier Lifestyle
  • Better communication skills
  • Lower Risk of Depression
  • Lower Risk of Abusive Vices
  • Higher Self-Esteem
  • Better Family Relationship
  • Academic Success
  • Less Screen Time

It takes some commitment to have quality dinner time with family due to conflicting work and school schedules. But as time goes by, and everyone is getting older, having genuine connection with people around you is a luxury not everyone can afford. If you have 1 hour watching YouTube online, then you sure have enough time to make some food for dinner. This simple act sounds quite traditional; however, this could lead to greater habits for a better life quality not just for yourself, but also the people around you.


https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2019/11/12/commentary/japan-commentary/food- connector-people/ https://recipes.howstuffworks.com/menus/benefit-family-dinner-time.html

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