JRF NewsAnnouncement

Beware of Financial Scammers!

Look out for financial scammers!

A scammer is hanging around to try to cheat you and suck your money at any time in any way.

We should strongly protect ourselves against any scammers.

Guidelines to Follow

For this purpose, we would like to request you to strictly follow these important guidelines below.

  1. Do not divulge your login password and security code to anybody else as they may use it to log into JRF’s official Online Web or JRF Mobile Apps, and they may use your ATM PIN to withdraw money at ATM’s.
  2. Avoid using a password combination that can be easily guessed (such as your date of birth, birth year, your telephone or mobile number, and so on). Set your login password with a combination of letters and numbers and also set your Security Code, and/or ATM Pins to a number that is not related to your personal information (such as your date of birth, birth year, your telephone or mobile number, and so on).
  3. Avoid using the same previous passwords for your Login Password, Security Code, and/or ATM Pins when you change them.
  4. Your Login Password, Security Code, and/or ATM Pins should never be kept at a cloud server or mobile storage in any form whether it be pictures or text files.
  5. Reset your Login Password, and Security Code immediately when you become aware of any possible leakage of your Login Password, and Security Code.
  6. The JRF Wallet application must always be updated with the latest version.
  7. You should constantly check your statement of account at JRF’s official Online Web or JRF Mobile App. Your requests would be properly assisted by our staff. If you have identified any suspicious transactions, please contact our JRF Compliance Department (03-5860-1588).
  8. You should constantly check your bank account statement and make a request if there are any unknown bank transfers from your bank account to JRF’s bank account.
  9.  Your personal ID and password used to log in to your personal PC and mobile device should be also kept with utmost care.

Common Scams

We also hereby illustrate some of the common modus operandi that are used by scammers.

  • Support Scam

a scammer zoomed in

A scammer may send messages such as “virus infectious” shown at your PC and/or mobile device to try to contact you.  Then they may also try to get the log in password to your PC and mobile device, and to steal information related to your login credentials on your JRF Wallet and/or JRF Online Web.

  • Phishing Scam

a scammer with a victim

We do not ask for your Login Password and Security Code from SMS, SNS, Emails, and other medias;  JRF shall never request the customers to input their Login Password and Security Code down after being guided by the messages to tap the link or button through SMS, SNS, Emails, and other media, except for JRF’s official Online Web or JRF Mobile Apps.

  • Agency Scam

person scamming a victim

JRF authorized agents in Japan are only those exhibited at our web page at https://www.jpremit.com/agents.  Please do not try to send money to other bank accounts than the official company bank account of JRF.

  • SIM Swap

scammer accessing a laptop

A scammer may try to reproduce your SIM card at a mobile carrier by creating and presenting a fake ID card.  Please be careful if your mobile phone is suddenly disconnected,  If it were to happen please do not keep it disconnected and you are expected to immediately go to the mobile carrier company as soon as possible, at where you have the contract with.

If you receive a call, text message or email asking for any confidential information that should be a scam, do not engage.”

To know more about JRF services please visit www.jpremit.com.

JRF Compliance Team


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